I moved to Houston with my family in October 2008…days after Hurricane Ike. My son Gabriel was born just three months later, on a night where it snowed. It was a dramatic and also peaceful introduction to a new hometown.
About four years later, my son Daniel was born. This made him the newest fourth generation Texan in the Rosenbach family.
I got to Houston by way of the Navy, where I served on Active Duty for eight years. In those eight years, I moved nine times, between Newport, Rhode Island; San Diego, California; Charleston, South Carolina; Schenectady, New York; Bremerton, Washington; Singapore; and back to my hometown to San Antonio before moving three more times to Portland, Oregon; Schenectady, New York; and finally here to Houston.
I still serve in the Navy Reserves. In 2011, I served nine months with the UN Peacekeeping Mission to Haiti. The Navy is still a source of strong comradery and energy for me.
My faith and church community are an important part of my life.
It took my nine years to realize how much I really like living in Houston. I am looking for ways to get more connected in the fabric of this incredible and diverse city.