I learned about co-housing when there were groups organizing in Colorado when I was a teenager. I loved the idea of actively creating one's community. And cooking together... heaven!
My late husband didn't quite get the value, so I never pursued it in the 22 years we were married. After he died in 2019, I kept returning to Houston where I had friends and support (having lived in the area four separate times over our marriage).
I decided last year that I'd like to have an apartment in Houston, as often as I visited, and was reminded of the concept of cohousing. I Googled it, and lo & behold, I found Cohousing Houston. I was ecstatic not just to find the community, but because the timing couldn't be more perfect.
I have four sons (Jakob - 23, Ryan - 21, Ari - 17 & Evan - 16). They are either launched, or nearly launched, or going overseas for exchange programs. It is my intention to visit a lot for the first few years, and then move up to about 50% of the time, after the youngest graduates. (My folks are in Colorado, and I will remain bi-local for the foreseeable future).
In my work, I support individuals who want to build non-profits, and organizations that wish to increase their social impact.
I am a life-long lover of dance. I teach Jazzercise classes for fun & fitness, and go listen to live music as often as possible. (What I lack in grace, I make up for in enthusiasm.)
Listen to Rachel share "Why she's joining CoHousing Houston"