These are exciting times for CoHousing Houston! The foundation has been poured -figuratively and now literally- for our new home. The walls are going up and we can see the windows we'll open to let in the spring breeze, the door frame our girls will come through when they get home, the water pipe that will feed the ice maker so we can cool our hibiscus tea. All those decisions we made as a group years ago are becoming a reality that will shape the way we live.
The other exciting part of a forming cohousing group is the shaping of relationships. We have been through things together and we have shared experiences. Some are pretty unique like spray painting a building together and some are really mundane like Costco shopping together. They all add up, though, to a rich tapestry of shared experiences and memories that we'll carry with us when we move in.
Every cohousing group is different because it depends on who is living there. It's exciting to shape our future lives by looking around the room today and seeing who is coming along with us. And in some ways every cohousing is the same because each community has a group of people in the room shaping reality for the better.