How the "Derecho" and "Beryl" affirmed my faith in cohousing
When this year’s Derecho and Beryl came barreling into Houston I realized that a community sharing resources and support was everything.
How the "Derecho" and "Beryl" affirmed my faith in cohousing
Getting around in the East End
Setting down roots in the East End
Designed for Community
A formula for combating loneliness
Taking Extra Steps with Light and Insulation
Geocache update
Little Free Library
The veg garden
Nanobanana's favorite
Shaping your own reality
Exploring Houston's Botanical Gardens near our site
First Cohousing Community in Texas Breaks Ground in East End Houston - PRESS RELEASE
Disaster-free neighborliness
The "three reasons why" email
Belongings are transient. Bolstering my efforts to lighten my life.
Teardrop Tea with our Youngest Cohouser